IRW will attend the Swedish championships tomorrow. You can meet both Bengt and Andreas by the grand stand at Studenternas. Please feel free to come and talk to us, ask questions about Icy Riders and such. We hope the weather Gods are watching and that the crowd will be huge! Here is the staringlist for tomorrows event...
1 Robert Gjersvold Strömsunds MC
2 Posa Serenius SMK Gävle
3 Ulf Ledström ÖMK Rundbana
4 Peter Koij SMK Gävle
5 Tobias Åström Bollnäs MK
6 Gösta Sundelin Njurunda MK
7 Per Bruhn SMK Gävle
8 Fredrik Johansson Linköpings MS
9 Magnus Lundgren Njurunda MK
10 Johan Lundkvist Jämtlands MK
11 Mats Svensson Bollnäs MK
12 Patrik Sohlberg ÖMK Rundbana
13 Torleif Burman Funbo MS
14 P-A Lindström Jämtlands MK
15 Lars Ringbert Strömsunds MC
16 Hans-Olov Olsén Strömsunds MC
17 Leif Bertilsson SMK Hedemora
18 Roger Nordmark SMK Hedemora