IRW talked with Posa today on the phone and he had just come up from the water after a swim. The lake is obviously useful during the summer as well. When asked about the upcoming season Posa told us that the hand is being examined this week as it behaves strangely. Posa told us that as he folds the hand the fingers won´t place themselves in a correct manner. There seems to be some motorical problem that needs looking after and until then he will not give a decision wether he will continue racing or not. IRW will keep you posted. If anyone has forgotten how the hand looked like they can watch it here.
Channel 8 is a Swedish cablestation with focus on historical documentaries and longer interviews on different topics. Sports is one of them. In a show hosted by the well known Tommy Engstrand, Posa Serenius was invited to talk about his long and succesful career.